同音字练习 8-12 :很狠

= very

= 抑制感情;强, suppress


(     ) = poor

(     ) = cruel

(     ) = pay close attention to

难得(     ) = it is very hard

(     )手辣 = ruthless

用横线画出下列句子中的错别字,并把正确的字写在空格里 :

1. 在这种情形下,“斗争的布尔什维克党”的建设,真是难得(     )

2. 狠毒的犯罪分子盗窃财物后竟杀人灭口,残害无辜(     )

3. 他遭到一顿很很的鞭(     )

4. 要想把学习搞上去,就要狠抓基础(     ) (狠抓基础 = pay close attention to basics)

5. 你要守信这(     )

6. 上帝不容我对各位说要心手辣(     )

7. 在那个时候我的英语水平狠(     )

同音字练习 8-11 : 争挣睁狰筝

筝 = a type of Chinese instrument

= fight, strive

= earn, struggle, make money

= open the eye

= fierce-looking

(     ) = fight to be the first

(     ) = struggle

(     ) = bring honour

(     )  = a type Chinese instrument

(     )  = contest, compete

(     )  = kite

竞(     ) = contestants

(     ) = open the eyes

(     ) = fierce-looking, ferocious

用横线画出下列句子中的错别字,并把正确的字写在空格里 :

1.  她四周的侍者睁先恐后地献殷勤(     )

2.  它临死前痛苦地争扎(     )

3.  眼睡(     )

4.  把你的眼睛大点儿(     )

5.  你看他面目狞的样子,好像中魔了一样。(     )  Look at his savage face; it seems that he is possessed by evil spirits.

6.  学习古筝是件不容易的事(     )

7.  挤垮了许多小公司(     ) Competition has forced out many small firms

8.  为祖国挣光! (     )  Win glory for our motherland!

9.  中午,我叠纸飞机然后放风争(     )


= fight, strive

= earn, struggle, make money

= open the eye

筝 = a type of Chinese instrument

= fierce-looking

(     ) = fight to be the first

(     ) = struggle

(     ) = bring honour

(     )  = a type Chinese instrument

(     )  = contest, compete

(     )  = kite

竞(     ) = contestants

(     ) = open the eyes

(     ) = fierce-looking, ferocious

用横线画出下列句子中的错别字,并把正确的字写在空格里 :

1. 奥林匹克争先赛是一种团体赛(     ) Olympic sprint is a team race.

2. 他在科学上的贡献为我们国家挣光(     )

3. 我会放风争(     )

4. 该组织正在帮助挣扎于饥饿之中的人们(     )

5. 看,我在弹古争(     )

6. 敌人见利诱不成,便露出了他们的睁狞面目,用枪毙来威胁革命者(     )

7. 勇敢要争先,要与众不同。(     )  Be daring , be first , be different .

8. 伦敦奥运将至各媒体(     )

9. 我绝不会袖手旁观,眼争争地看着我们的项目流产(     ) I will not sit by and watch the destruction of our project.

同音字练习 8-10 : 陷献馅

= trap

= filling, stuffing

= dedicate, offer, present


(       ) = pit, crater

(       ) = meat filling

饺子 (       )  = dumpling filling

(       )  = defect, flaw

(       )   = bean filling

(       )  = fall to enemy occupation

(       ) = message

(       ) = present bouquets

(       )  = contribution

用横线画出下列句子中的错别字,并把正确的字写在空格里 :

1. 为什么要设馅坑 来害 ? (       )

2. 我们应该对于和平做出贡焰(       )  

3. 我最爱吃肉馅儿包子。(       )   I love to eat steamed buns with minced meat stuffing.

4. 圆圆的月饼中通常包有香甜的莲子或是红豆(       )  

5. 他们向老师馅花(       )  

6. 她发音有缺陷(       )  

7. 元旦那天,胡主席对全世界作个简短新年献词,呼吁、祝愿世界和平(       )  

8. 西班牙拒绝沦焰(       )  

9. 我想把这本书献给我的父母(       )  


= trap

= filling, stuffing

= dedicate, offer, present


(       ) = pit, crater

(       ) = meat filling

饺子 (       )  = dumpling filling

(       )  = defect, flaw

(       )   = bean filling

(       )  = fall to enemy occupation

(       ) = message

(       ) = present bouquets

(       )  = contribution

用横线画出下列句子中的错别字,并把正确的字写在空格里 :

1. 忽然,一不小心,她掉到一个里去了(       )  

2. 修理时,发现了它的一些缺陷(       )  

3. 正是这些人对经济的发展做出了巨大(       )  

4. 这是他在少年宫向科学家献词 时朗诵过的诗句. (       )  

5. 我午饭吃了十个肉的烧卖。(       )   I ate ten shaomei with meat stuffing for lunch.

6. 过去富有的人家还要在凉糕的夹层间放豆馅儿或枣泥(     )  

7. 不久香港亦相继(       )  

8. 那位女演员接受了许多陷花(       )