同音字练习 8-7 : 织蜘知

= weave
= know
蜘 = spider

(      ) = organization
(      )  = mingle
(      ) 蛛 = spider
(      ) 蛛网 = spider web
(      ) = know
(      ) =相互了解,感情深厚的朋, confidant
(      )  = informed, got to know
(      ) = loom   (cloth-making machine)        

用横线画出下列句子中的错别字,并把正确的字写在空格里 :

1.  这种知只使用一只剑杆,携带纬纱穿过梭口(      ) This type of loom consists of one rapier which carries the yarn through the shed.
2.  他是我的织己,安慰者和倾听者(      )
3.  会议知得很糟(      ) The meeting was badly organized.
4.  他们两心交织在了一起,彼此找到了依靠。(      )  They have fallen in love, and found support from each other.
5.  他获知消息后欣喜若(      ) (欣喜若= very happy)
6.  知蛛喜欢织网(      )
7.  知道知道,但我是同志(      )


= weave
= know
蜘 = spider

(      ) = organization
(      )  = mingle
(      ) 蛛 = spider
(      ) 蛛网 = spider web
(      ) = know
(      ) =相互了解,感情深厚的朋, confidant
(      )  = informed, got to know
(      ) = loom   (cloth-making machine)        

用横线画出下列句子中的错别字,并把正确的字写在空格里 :

1. 组知正在帮助挣扎于饥饿之中的人们(      ) The organization is helping people that are dying of hunger.

2. 我是从报纸上你们的广告中获织此事的(      )

3. 纸张是纤维(fibre)交知(      )

4. 他俩是蜘己,无话不说(      )

5. 你早就知道她是我女朋友了,怎么还要明知故问 ? (      )

6. 织蛛网象薄纱一样把墙都遮掩了(      )